In Which We Are Introduced To Me, Paul Kearley esq.

Afternoon Tea in the Blue Mountains
Afternoon Tea in the Blue Mountains
It’s Friday night, and as much as I imagine my friends are out, gadding about town, all prettied up and consuming divine and vast quantities of food, (it goes without saying, alcohol), I am curled up on the lounge sporting new Ugg Boots, in front of the heater and watching Two Fat Ladies. (This positively raaaaaveshing show where it appears two hilarious gin drinking, cigarette smoking women have fallen into the set of Downtown Abbey and cook traditional English food).

Me. Mr Paul James Kearley esq. (esq = because why not?) commonly known to all as Pauly, has decided after many discussions with himself, to attempt to crack this thing called a Blog.

Why I hear the multitudes ask?  I love food and travel, accompanied but multitudes of clothing and books. Everyone loves food, and if I could encourage one single person to consider cooking food and enjoying it after reading this Blog thing, I would consider flinging my chefs hat onto my hat stand and sit back with a piece of Flourless Chocolate Cake (albeit accompanied by lashings of cream) and smile.

I reside deep in the misty Blue Mountains, with a man who has gorgeous eyes and matching personality (who shall from this point be called ‘the man with the beautiful eyes’) and a cat called Winston.  “Yes!” I hear you all clamour while rolling your eyes. “Another Wannabe Domestic Goddess, just what the world needs.” Well my friends you hit that nail on the head, although I like to think what I bring to the table (literally) is the best food you have ever tried.

About now your eyes are possibly starting to glaze over so I will keep it short and sweet.  The Man With The Amazing Eyes and I have decided to have a mid-life crises early and leave our family and friends and move to England. While I’m there I will keep you kind and attentive people captivated in the world of European Travel and food with a bit of fashion and literature thrown in. The tickets have been purchased and we start our adventure in Jan 2016.

Before this happens, I will delve into our previous travel & cook books to share my most favourite recipes and recent travel experiences, because fellow humans if you are like me, you spend so much time dreaming of this.

Next weeks Blog will involve sinful chocolate and current reading matter, because this is basically a match made in heaven.

Enjoy my friends, I shall be brewing a fresh pot of Black Rose tea and staying warm.

PK (esq.)

Ps- to follow me and see my photos my Instagram account is @thewanderinggastronomist

12 thoughts on “In Which We Are Introduced To Me, Paul Kearley esq.

  1. Dearest Mr. Kearley, esq.,

    This truly is wonderful. Not only do we get the privledge of your photos, recipes, and adventures, you are quite the wordsmith and now we also get to enjoy your writings.

    While the skeptic in me screams, “Please! Make him stop being fantastic at EVERYTHING!”, I understand that being the ‘Epitome of Fabulosity’ is not a title to be taken lightly.

    I am ever so looking forward to reading all the gems you have to offer and keeping abreast of European shenanigans (sob!).

    I less than three you so very much.


    1. Hi Tawali, thats such incredibly kind feedback! Thank you. 🙂
      By simply jumping on and having a look at what I have done is so cool! You rock. X


  2. are u coming to london in your travels in jan2016? it will still be winter here in london. so i guess it is work that brings u to europe, right? not many tourists would come all the way from australia to here in winter. haha.


  3. Hey Paul, thanks so much for following my blog! I’m loving your gorgeous photos and I can’t wait to hear about all your travels. I’ve been living in Europe myself for the past eight years and am just about to move back to the US (where I’m from), so I’m a little jealous that you’re about to set off on a grand European adventure just as mine is ending. I hope you have a fabulous time and I look forward to reading all about it.


    1. Thank you so much for the reply. 🙂
      Wow. That’s a long time!
      I’m just so looking forward to it, just to try a different aspect of life etc. (plus it’s cheaper to travel to US from the UK then it is from Australia!).


  4. Aha! And good luck on your adventure too! I hope you find many a good recipe on your travels 🙂


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